Christian is focused on dispute resolution and has extensive experience of disputes after several years of service as a judge at, among others, the Patent and Market Courts, Stockholm District Court and Svea Court of Appeal. His focus areas include all forms of civil law, with particular emphasis on intellectual property and marketing law.
Christian Kourieh
Mobile: +46 70 792 04 28
Law degree, Örebro University, 2016
Studies in EU Law, King's College London, 2019
Studies in International Law and International Relations, Coventry University, 2014
Advokatfirman Carthiel, specialist, 2024-
Grey Advokatbyrå, counsel, 2023-2024
Svea hovrätt, hovrättsassessor, 2022-2023
Stockholms tingsrätt, tingsfiskal, 2020-2022
Svea hovrätt, hovrättsfiskal, 2019-2020
Örebro tingsrätt, tingsnotarie, 2017-2019
Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå (Bryssel/Stockholm), Trainee, 2016
Sveriges ambassad i Abu Dhabi, Förenade Arabemiraten, Trainee, 2015
Membership, etc.